
$ engage

want to know the real difference between successful people and everyone else? it's not (only) talent. it's not (only) luck. it's two simple habits: showing up and following through.

showing up means putting yourself where good things might happen. it's the programmer who attends hackathons, the writer who joins writing groups, the entrepreneur who goes to industry meetups. it's about being there, even when you're not sure you belong.

but showing up is just the start. the real game-changer is following through. following through is where most people drop the ball. they go to the event but don't email the speaker. they have a great idea but never start coding (been there, done that). they meet someone interesting but don't grab lunch.

following through is a superpower. it turns acquaintances into relationships. it transforms ideas into projects. it's the bridge between "someday" and "now."

think about two scenarios:

the difference? following through.

following through is simpler than one might think. it's about pushing past inertia and fear of rejection. but the payoff can be huge.

some tips for effective follow-throughs I've found useful:

  1. be quick. reach out within a day or two.
  2. be specific. mention something from your interaction.
  3. be brief. get to the point fast.
  4. be useful. offer something, even if it's just genuine thanks.
  5. be persistent, but not pushy. one follow-up is fine. ughh, depends tbh

the cool thing is, this compounds. each follow-through expands your network and opportunities. you create your own luck :)

sure, it's uncomfortable. following through means risking rejection. but that discomfort is where growth happens.

you don't need to be the smartest in the room. you don't need mind-blowing ideas. you just need to consistently show up and follow through.

so next time you're at an event, or you have an idea, or you meet someone interesting, don't let it slide. show up. then, crucially, follow through. you might be amazed where it leads.

remember: success isn't about grand gestures. it's about small, incremental actions. show up. follow through. repeat. it's that simple, and that hard :)